Did anyone actually say that Christmas had to creep up so fast??? Its not fair..... Actually the festive season is slightly delayed in our household due to both my sons' having their birthdays at the beginning of December......Real clever me!
We start preparing the house on the 10th, so it doesn't seem quite so long somehow....but then the children break up from school & suddenly its upon us.
We have a very busy schedule at church over the next 4 weeks as well, but with me having to go in for surgery on the 3rd of december, I can't say that it will be strictly followed...We shall have to see.
Ok, well for today's Crafting moment, here is a link to the scrapbookflair.com page where you can download, for FREE, several designer collections of papers, elements etc, as well as a huge range of everyday stuff, for your digital/hybrid scrapping......