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Monday, 7 June 2010

Its been a while

Its been a while since I managed to write anything on here simply because I have been hugely fortunate enough to find that 'perfect' job, and have been working for a really delightful company for the past 5 months (roughly).... add to that my journey times, choir & everything else has just taken a back seat. Sorry!

Anyway, since starting my new role I have learned more in the short time I have been with the company than I ever thought possible.  Not only about the industry I am now involved in, but about working with other people (instead of being on my own so much)  building relationships with our customers & suppliers (networking), but also expanding on my vague knowledge of the internet, SEO, using Google properly etc
Add to this a massive amount of self discovery & it all adds up to a completely different person who now stands in front of you.......someone who not all that long ago was to be found sat on her bed watching iPlayer all day, and now gets up (virtually with the sun) goes to work & enjoys even the bus journey there!! (I genuinely can't believe I am saying that - you only have to ask my friends & family what my opinions on work would have been even 8 months ago and then consider my previous statement)

Now, I have several people to thank for this......

Andy, for being 'permanent babysitter' :)

Niki & Rob, for constantly telling me how proud you both are of me...

Lizzie, AJ, Mathew & Holly for being constant reminders of why I go to work ;)

and Andrew & Clare Rayner, for giving me the chance, hope & support I needed to prove to myself I am a better person than who I thought I was......

That's it for now......
Back soon, I promise, at which point I'll tell you more about the company I'm working for & what I do here.


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